Logistic Details
Venue Name or Event Name
Name of stage director
Upload Flyer Event
e-mail of stage director
Contact number or whatsapp of the stage director.
Hour Sound Check
Hotel Name
Hotel address
Please upload hotel reservation, JPG or PDF formats
* 1 Pick up time Airport - Hotel
Driver's Name
Driver Contact Number
Vehicle registration number, Model, Color
Feeding Place - Only protein management be sea food
Venue address
*2 Pick up time Hotel - Venue
Driver's Name (Hotel - Venue)
Driver Contact Number - (Hotel - Venue)
*3 Pick up time Venue - Hotel
Driver's Name (Venue-Hotel)
Driver Contact Number
*4 Pick up time from the Hotel to the Airport
Driver's Name (Hotel-Airport)
Driver Contact Number
IG Filmmaking team
IG Photography Team
Carlos Miranda
Logistics Agent
+52 442 821 9163
More Details